Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Dark Abyss

My life: the dark abyss. I see life swirling past in multivariate colors. I see my life black and stagnant.

Bob! I want to tell you something amazing and wonderful and it concerns YOU, my dear.

Life as we know it did not stop happening in the 60s and 70s. Amazingly...and I know this is difficult for you to ascertain, life has continued for more than two decades since 1979 closed the door. Two mostly (for you) invisible decades.

This weekend we could have been @Kits, in Vancouver, watching the fireworks. Pre-Bob, I NEVER missed going at least once per year. Everyone does. But I don't. We don't.

I really need to maintain total focus on WW for the next year or so until I reach my goal-weight. But after that, and it could certainly be longer than just one year, I need to re-establish my cultural identity. I'm talking opera, live plays, movies bug me so they're out, fireworks, parades, local events. I am going to join a club out here in Cloverdale or Langley. Really need to get out of the house to experience the pleasures of living. I really really need more live music in my life, that's certain. And dancing....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dancing. How I miss dancing SO MUCH!!!!! Dancing and music used to make me so happy, so alive.

I can't wait for the next year to be over and I can minimize the diet thing and maximize the art of living. I miss LIFE so much.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Just Another Day in Paradise

Supercilious? Who, me? Well, maybe, but we have waited for summer for such a long, long time. And I'm just ITCHING to get me a scooter. Wanna be a scooter-bug, fer sure. LOL.

I never used to understand the pull of the mobile-home grannies association. I'd see these freakin old dudes driving (slow) down the highway and think to myself that I would NEVER be like that, and if I ever even said I wanted one, I admonished myself to SHOOT ME BEFORE I MULTIPLY!!!

I get it, now, finally. Those old fogies were the first instance I saw of age-appropriate networking. They'd travel arround the country, looking for group acceptance among their own kind, which is to say people their age and somewhat-status: retired, carefree, have a few bucks, don't have to make a deadline, and child-free. FREE!

Now that I am fast approaching the age where my peers ARE retiring, it seems like a wonderful life, full of promise and hope. Friendship. New vistas. *sighs*

Monday, July 11, 2005

Monday Rainy Morning

Well, Bob's holidays are finally over. AND...I managed to survive the week, intact.
Boy! He needs to get his meds checked.
Tomorrow is our "MOM's" shopping day in Richmond to plan and get stuff for the shower. I am taking the guest list, the plates and napkins, Gail's copy of the Engagement picture, and some streamers. I should print out the mock up of their engagement notice for the Richmond Review, as well.

It's another stupidly raining day...week...month here in BC. Last year was the perfect summer with sun every day in July, and every day but two in August. This year we haven't had even ONE day of sun in July yet. That sux.

I found out from Carrie that the wedding dresses are going to be pale pink, black and white. Mostly pink. I am not sure if I can reasonably coordinate with those colors and my planned-on teal blue. Well, we'll see. I'll ask Gail Storm what color she was thinking of for herself. I doubt very much if it would be teal blue.

Ciao bellissimi!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sisterly One

The Inscrutable One

Hi Bev and Phil

Hi Bev and Phil !


Thanks for the great weather today. I'm sure it's your benevolent influence. This looks like a Calgary-day to me.

It was great seeing both of you yesterday and showing you NEW HOUSIE. One of the things I love best about it is the small size of the yard. And the fact that we don't have to do any gardening. LOL. The only thing I don't really appreciate is being on such a busy corner. I have never lived on a busy street before and there is constant traffic day and night. Within 5 years it will be developed into two lanes (which it really does need) so the traffic will effetively double. As Bob says...SOUND BAFFLES.

Zayvin had his Haqq-family reunion last night. It wasn't the best weather but at least it wasn't raining and he could easily have his BBQs going. We're going over there for leftover roti, pelau, and curry something later today. I love roti with channa inside. (Dried, powdered and spiced chick peas. Yum.) It's kinda funny to me that Zayvin had to scatch around to find somebody to make them and pay.

Going to C-Lovers blew the diet for yesterday. We had sushi for dinner and Bob added tinned beans, his all-time fav. Yesterday was a good day for him but he hasn't had too many of those, lately. I am positive that his diabetic meds are "off" and need to be tweaked. Another blood test next weekend for sure. When those shopping centers are developed across the street and down the street from us (supposed to be by October this year) I hope there are some doctors or at least a walk-in clinic. We're getting to the age that we really NEED a family doctor but family medicine is going the other way. The closest family practitioner to us, according to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, is about 10 miles out into the valley. So, yeah.

So it's back to the WW diet for me and hopefully I will be able to recoup yesterday's losses before Thursday night and weigh in time.

I'll try to get a flight for a quick few days. Believe it or not, I have never booked a flight online before and I will have to go through the discovery process on that one. LOL. Hopefully cya around the end of July.

Luv you,


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Pegasus Posted by Picasa

Picasa, Hello, and Blogspot

Today has been a pretty strange day. Last night when I was downloading free picasa, I decided to try out the ordering thing from wally world. WOW. I'm impressed. It look like a couple of hours and that...was all! And the pics, of Carrie and Zayv's engagement, look fabulous.

So, another blog is started. More later with links to other blogs of note.
