Friday, August 03, 2012

Experiment in Terror

Experiment in Terror

Welcome to the home page of my favourite author, Karina Halle. She is the @MetalBlonde author of the Experiment in Terror series of novels. Dex Foray and Perry Palomino are characters that you will NEVER forget! 

In lieu of NOT providing spoilers let me just say that this series covers the lives and extremely scary / realistic / romantic / sexual but-not-explicitly-so paranormal  jobs of two normal young adults who just happen to produce an Internet weekly show.

You will relate instantly to Perry, the lovable but quirky female lead. You'll want to confront Dex in RL just to shake him, hard. Or maybe just smack him. And as for me, I also wanted a ride on Perry's little motorcycle to see what she sees.

Books in the series include Darkhouse, Red Fox, Dead Sky Morning, Lying Season, The Benson, Old Blood and The Dex Files. As ebooks, you can get them at all the major booksellers' sites but they were originally published by

From the author's site:

A (very) mature young adult novel that is scary, sexy and relat­able, filled with the super­nat­ural and things that go bump in the night.
In a large, flaky nut­shell, the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series is an eight-part sci-fi/fantasy/horror series that revolves around a pair of ghost hunters. Well, aspir­ing ghost hunters, any­way. After film­ing a creepy expe­ri­ence in her uncle’s dilap­i­dated light­house, 22-year old Perry Palomino becomes a YouTube and inter­net star overnight. She attracts the atten­tion of Dex Foray, a pro­ducer and cam­era­man for a site that spe­cial­izes in var­i­ous webisodes, who con­vinces her to be a host for a low-budget ghost hunt­ing series. The only prob­lem is, nei­ther Perry or Dex are entirely “with it” — I mean, they see ghosts, after all. And when the duo isn’t wrestling with their very notion of real­ity, they’re grap­pling with a work­ing rela­tion­ship that’s deep-cut with sex­ual ten­sion. As the series moves on, lead­ing Perry and Dex to new locales and super­nat­ural sit­u­a­tions, their lives become more and more inter­twined, where they dis­cover that ghosts aren’t the only things that can haunt them.

As books go, they are VERY reasonably priced and I exhort you to read Darkhouse to begin with. You'll be hooked.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sleeping Neurons, Awake

Yawn. That was a loooooooooooong sleep. I kinda lost track of this blog for a few years, looks like. All in all, I see the longevity of personal thoughts' ebb and flow being quite useful for me. Cathartic almost. 

In 2005 I was worried about having a Starbucks and TH close by. That happened.

I was annoyed at Mr. Man's temper tantrums over commuter's traffic snarls. That ended and now he's "retired" and not really driving at all. That's so sad.

I saw the Porsche as being a source of continuing annoyance and now it's gone, too. [heh heh. So happy when he sold it. *singing the Happy Camper song*]

I was majorly involved in WW but that didn't last. Now I'm looking into something new called Qsymia and still searching for that diet pot of gold at the end of my own rainbow. Kira and Candice are valiantly surviving the Dr. B. Diet first week blues and I'm glad it's them not me.

Post MAEd, I am ed-researching like crazy every minute of the day. PBL is the flavor du jour as well as PBIS [positive behavioral support instead of punishment for bad behavior]. 

Tablets have enriched my life beyond reason. I meant tablets a la iPad but those other ones too for stomach and high blood pressure.

Still playing WoW though. Seems like I am the only loyalista in the group.

Along with Rick/Lorraine, Dave/Maggie, Mr Man and I are now engaged so that has been the romantic highlight of this year. 

Ty and Cindy went to Britain and oh, yeah! announced their pregnancy due in December. Kira went to Montreal, got a new apartment in New West, got a new car and a new job with Cindy. The Zeds went to Cuba and Miss Q is going to enter Kindergarten in a little more than a month. 

Went to The Marble Slab Creamery for the first time tonight, accidentally on Senior's 15% day as well. I had to show id to prove that I am over 60. HAHAHAHAHA. LOLOL. Luv that. Their ice cream sure is creamy.