The best set of F-117 Photos I've found. These are Truly some of the best photos showing the F-117 from Display, Take-off, In-Flight, and Landing. High enough resolution to make into screen savers or Desktop pics...
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
50 Best Firefox Extensions for Power Surfing
Probably contains all the popular extensions you will ever need. Wow! I really liked the image zoomer one.
Bobby! I think there might be some here that you'll like too! :=)
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Bobby! I think there might be some here that you'll like too! :=)
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Friday, December 30, 2005
Open-Source Visual Studio 2005 alternative
SharpDevelop 2.0, Beta 1 is available. It is an open-source alternative to Visual Studio 2005, with the added benefit that it can create executables targeting the 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 .NET Framework, as well as Mono 1.1. C# and Visual Basic.NET are both supported.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Home Network Firewall Guide
A good overall guide to home network security and PC firewalls. Links to excellent comparative articles on spyware and antivirus programs.
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas Eve 2005 zzzzzzzzz
Now is the time to look back over the past year and count my blessings.
Well: I graduated (MAEd) and that was certainly the highlight of my year.
The light of my life, zedder, announced his upcoming marriage and that was another true blessing. He has met The One and they are destined for a long and peaceful life together.
Another "interesting" moment came when my BABY, da keeks, moved to her own apartment which we all knew she couldn't really afford yet we didn't stand in her way. We knew we would be going to rescue her as always. And by "we" I am implying the EX.
As for Hawgie, he finally got the Porsche running well enough to be considered a Daily Driver. So why does he return from work each night cussing and swearing at all drivers on the road? So sad: the road rage isn't really working for him. For sure it's not working for me because it's so boring to hear the same thing night after night after night. Get a brain.
And on the other side of the coin...B.I.L.'s cancer diagnosis and treatment. As far as we know, it was successful but as always, it's a waiting game.
Speaking of ill-health issues, Hawgie is seeing a lung specialist and having tests for things such as Farmers Lung (who knew?) and Aspergillium and other weird diagnoses. Honestly! The lab technicians had to look it up--they've never done that test before. (Well, it isn't every day that somebody gets a pocket of fungus living in the nether regions of pulmonary caves.) LOL.
I wonder what attainable goal I could set for myself as we get nearer and nearer to the New Year. The weight-loss thing is going nowhere fast. I guess I should re-dedicate all my efforts toward that end if I want to appear differently for the Big Wedding next August????
[Think I'll just leave myself blue tonight. Feel kinda down for some reason.]
Well: I graduated (MAEd) and that was certainly the highlight of my year.
The light of my life, zedder, announced his upcoming marriage and that was another true blessing. He has met The One and they are destined for a long and peaceful life together.
Another "interesting" moment came when my BABY, da keeks, moved to her own apartment which we all knew she couldn't really afford yet we didn't stand in her way. We knew we would be going to rescue her as always. And by "we" I am implying the EX.
As for Hawgie, he finally got the Porsche running well enough to be considered a Daily Driver. So why does he return from work each night cussing and swearing at all drivers on the road? So sad: the road rage isn't really working for him. For sure it's not working for me because it's so boring to hear the same thing night after night after night. Get a brain.
And on the other side of the coin...B.I.L.'s cancer diagnosis and treatment. As far as we know, it was successful but as always, it's a waiting game.
Speaking of ill-health issues, Hawgie is seeing a lung specialist and having tests for things such as Farmers Lung (who knew?) and Aspergillium and other weird diagnoses. Honestly! The lab technicians had to look it up--they've never done that test before. (Well, it isn't every day that somebody gets a pocket of fungus living in the nether regions of pulmonary caves.) LOL.
I wonder what attainable goal I could set for myself as we get nearer and nearer to the New Year. The weight-loss thing is going nowhere fast. I guess I should re-dedicate all my efforts toward that end if I want to appear differently for the Big Wedding next August????
[Think I'll just leave myself blue tonight. Feel kinda down for some reason.]
Trying Out Performancing
This is my first attempt with a new blogging tool called Performancing. Use it with Firefox to automatically blog right from your home page or from any web page.
Automatically adds Technorati tags, too!
Technorati Tags: performancing
Technorati Tags: performancing
Automatically adds Technorati tags, too!
Technorati Tags: performancing
Technorati Tags: performancing
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Sorting your email with GMail
I came across a great way of using Google's GMail to create disposable/sortable email addresses that let you duck spam and find out who is sharing your address and with whom....
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Moon Over Miami

Well, okay, it's NOT Miami! It's "Moon over 184th" LOL.
Spectacular moonlight both driving to and coming home from school last week. Makes the commute just that much easier.
Christmas shopping nearly all done. It was fun! Now the wrapping is midstream. I wonder if other people query themselves as they wrap?
"Will Ty like this color paper? Will he even notice or will he just rip it off?"
"Awww, cute gift boxes. Should I put Phil's present in the one with the poinsettia cuz he likes to garden, or in the Santa one cuz he likes to set up the villages and has (sometimes) a complete Santa tree?"
Bev, no questions asked. No quarter brooked: the elegant paper and the elegant gift tag. That was easy. gift yet but when I get it and when I wrap it: the cute stuff. Cute overload.
Carrie's present is large and whatever paper will fit will be the prime choice.
I'm sure Bob won't care, but I care, so I wrap his elegantly in the way I wish mine were wrapped, too. I sometimes dream of getting a car for Christmas with a big red bow on top like the ads on tv. Even though I don't need a car! That would just be so great. I got a white with red interior car one year for Valentines Day. That was romantic and special. But there's just some kind of appeal about the BIG BOW, don't you think?
~~*Pacific Myst*~~

Monday, December 19, 2005
World of Warcraft Surpasses 5 Million
Blizzard Entertainment today announced that World of Warcraft, its massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has surpassed 5 million customers worldwide.
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Lots of PHP tutorials, beginner to advanced
A nice collection of various PHP tutorials, covering the basics, and some advanced stuff
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Zone of Proximal Development

Zone of Proximal Development
Ha! That is a great description for all the roadwork right outside my window right now. They are making a "turning lane" at my corner and it cuts off about twenty feet. That's okay. A turning lane is needed on this corner and on each of the other 3 corners as well. Each day the 4 lane highway gets closer and closer as the street gets wider and wider. That's acceptable. The cattle across the street won't be able to graze there much longer. See the spring calves? They were frolicking when I took this pic a couple of weeks ago.
The REAL zone of proximal development, derivative of Lev Vygotsky's brilliance, describes the ultimate learning 'zone' whereby students are pushed just a little bit more than what they can understand by themselves. That's the zone. Perhaps another student can pull them further in their learning or perhaps the situation inspires them to push themselves a bit further than they would without some external stimuli.
The zone of proximal development is like that pidgeon-Italian dessert Tiramisu (yank me up)...onwards and upwards the knowledge is S-W-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! lol.
Feliz Navidad!

The Formation of a New Ocean?
A fissure in a desert in the remote northeast could be the birth of a new ocean basin according to scientists.
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Sunday, December 04, 2005
Firefox - Switch
A grea site that needs a hell of a lot more exposure. Believe it or not, there are STILL people who are stuck in the dark ages using IE!
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Firefox or Internet Explorer? Rocketboom Interviews New Yorkers
Which do you use... Firefox or Internet Explorer? Amanda Congdon of Rocketboom interviews New Yorkers. You might find their answers interesting.
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Free Music Download List December 2005
The author compiled a list of the best free music download sites on the internet. The list contains about 40 sites that offer legal music downloads to their visitors.
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Saturday, December 03, 2005
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