Well, okay, it's NOT Miami! It's "Moon over 184th" LOL.
Spectacular moonlight both driving to and coming home from school last week. Makes the commute just that much easier.
Christmas shopping nearly all done. It was fun! Now the wrapping is midstream. I wonder if other people query themselves as they wrap?
"Will Ty like this color paper? Will he even notice or will he just rip it off?"
"Awww, cute gift boxes. Should I put Phil's present in the one with the poinsettia cuz he likes to garden, or in the Santa one cuz he likes to set up the villages and has (sometimes) a complete Santa tree?"
Bev, no questions asked. No quarter brooked: the elegant paper and the elegant gift tag. That was easy.
Kira...no gift yet but when I get it and when I wrap it: the cute stuff. Cute overload.
Carrie's present is large and whatever paper will fit will be the prime choice.
I'm sure Bob won't care, but I care, so I wrap his elegantly in the way I wish mine were wrapped, too. I sometimes dream of getting a car for Christmas with a big red bow on top like the ads on tv. Even though I don't need a car! That would just be so great. I got a white with red interior car one year for Valentines Day. That was romantic and special. But there's just some kind of appeal about the BIG BOW, don't you think?
~~*Pacific Myst*~~

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